symbolicstring Class Reference

The symbolicstring class implements the methods necessary to the functionning of the classless functions read-from-string , prin1-to-string and princ-to-string . The symbolicstring class is much like the symbolicstream class: it inherits from the readerprinter class and adds a few methods to read and write character by character, with the difference that the target is a string and not a stream.

The symbolicstring class being specific to the internal working of the implementation, its methods are not intended to be easily useable at application level, and so is the documentation hereafter.

  • symbolicstring-constructor
  • symbolicstring-destructor
  • symbolicstring-read-char
  • symbolicstring-unread-char
  • symbolicstring-write-string

  • List of all Inherited Classes

  • readerprinter
  • class

  • symbolicstring-constructor

    (make-instance symbolicstring )

    Function Type subr
    Arguments none
    Return Value an object of class readablestring
    Description creates a new object of class symbolicstring , which will be used transparently to execute prin1-to-string , princ-to-string and read-from-string ; there is only one instance of this object per thread, created during initialization;
    Example (make-instance symbolicstring)


    (destroy-instance arg )

    Function Type subr
    Arguments an object of symbolicstring class
    Return Value t
    Description destroys the object
    Example (destroy-instance s)


    (read-char arg )

    Function Type subr
    Arguments a symbolicstring object
    Return Value an integer
    Description reads an UTF-8 character from the string
    Example (read-char s)


    (unread-char arg )

    Function Type subr
    Arguments a symbolicstring object
    Return Value nil
    Description unreads the last character read
    Example (unread-char s)


    (write-string arg1 arg2 )

    Function Type subr
    Arguments an object of class symbolicstring
    Return Value nil
    Description takes the string given as second argument and attaches it as outputbuffer property to the object given as first argument
    Example -

    Updated 29/11/2008 Copyright © 2008 Walther Waeles Logo