Classless Functions Reference

The following functions are classless. They work generally on lists or symbolic atoms, which in wwlisp are not objects instantiated from classes. Classless functions can be of type subr, fsubr, expr, fexpr or macro. In wwlisp, the arguments of some functions are placed differently than in other lisps and dialects, because the first argument of any function determines the class of the function, and if this argument is classless (ie evaluates to a symbolic atom or a list), then a classless function will be called instead of a method of the class of the argument.

  • getdirectorydialog
  • openfilenamedialog
  • savefilenamedialog

  • getdirectorydialog

    (getdirectorydialog string )

    Function Type subr
    Arguments optional string
    Return Value a string or nil
    Description opens a dialog box for directory selection, and returns the selected directory name;
    Example (getdirectorydialog "mydir")


    (openfilenamedialog string )

    Function Type subr
    Arguments optional string
    Return Value a string or nil
    Description opens a dialog box for file selection and opening, and returns the selected file name;

    the argument is a filter for file selection
    Example (openfilenamedialog "*.lsp")


    (savefilenamedialog string )

    Function Type subr
    Arguments optional string
    Return Value a string or nil
    Description opens a dialog box for filename selection and creation or saving, and returns the selected file name; the argument is a filter for file selection
    Example (savefilenamedialog "*.lsp")

    Updated 07/11/2008 Copyright © 2008 Walther Waeles Logo